Beberapa hari lepas saya pergi ke kenduri kahwin abang sepupu saya di Kampar,Perak
Al-maklumlah bila lama tak jumpa macam2 cerita yang kami bualkan..
gosip la, mengupat la n many many more..
tp yg best la kan..
Opah Naimah saya buat story best la plak,
beliau cerita la pasal arwah nenek saya
"Liyana, kamu tahu tak yang arwah opah kamu tu bila meninggal jadi hantu?"
Terdetik di hati saya, apa kes pulak tetiba je jadi hantu?
" Opah kamu tu bila beranakkan mak kamu je terus meninggal. Lepas tu heboh satu kampung nampak lembaga arwah tu"
Dalam Hati saya : uish..ni hot story ni, kalau jual kat Harian Metro mesti laku. Ish3 tak baik la cakap benda negatif pasal orang yang dah meninggal
"Betul!! Aku tak tipu"
Dalam Hati saya : Kisah aku ni ala-ala cerita Pontianak Haru Sundal Malam la..watak aku sebijik cam Maria..hehe. Wo,Wo. Stop Liyana. Tak baik percaya cerita cam ni pasal arwah. Ada baiknya kalau banyak sedekah Fatihah kat arwah. Tak gitu?
Itulah ceritanya,nak kata betul atau tidak,hanya Allah yang maha mengetahui. Sebenarnya saya tak beberapa percaya dengan cerita Opah Naimah ni. Bak kata orang Perak, Banyak beno gelembong nya ( banyak betul tipu nya ).
Yang sebenarnya bukan kita sahaja yang diciptakan Allah di muka bumi ini. Banyak juga makhluk lain termasuklah hantu ini. Dekat tempat yang saya tinggal sekarang iaitu Putrajaya juga ada cerita-cerita seramnya jugak.
Pernah satu hari saya menaiki teksi bersama dengan abang saya di Putrajaya Sentral. Kami baru sahaja pulang dari Low Yat Plaza. Bila masuk sahaja ke dalam teksi, pemandu teksi tu pun bertanya hendak ke mana. Kemudian kami menjawab Presint 18. Tanpa diduga pemandu teksi itu berkata " Presint 18 yang orang kata ada hantu tu ke?"
Dalam hati : Argh, sudah. Jangan la cerita hantu lagi.
" hari tu masuk Harian Metro kata Presint 18 ada makhluk lembaga hitam"
Dalam hati saya : adus..baru je nak aman tinggal kat sini
" Duduk lah baik-baik kat sana "
Apabila saya ajukan isu ini kepada ayah saya, beliau berkata cerita ni memang betul-betul terjadi. Tapi, yang tu kat Presint 18 A, kitaorang 18 B.
Dalam hati saya : Fuh, selamat..
Sebenarnya presint 18 A tidak lah jauh dari tempat tinggal saya. Nampak la jugak sayup-sayup dari jauh. Setiap kali saya terpandangkan bangunan yang terdapat di situ saya selalu terasa seram sejuk. Lepas tu bila malam je mula lah mimpi pelik. Contohnya semalam saya termimpikan lembaga hitam mengejar saya. Mimpi mainan tidur,dengar tu Liyana
Nenek saya pernah berkata." kamu tu mana tak mimpi hantu, perangai pun macam hantu". haha.Ada betul nya jugak bila dipikirkan. Waktu orang lain sedang tidur, saya boleh memekak menyanyi lagu Hotel California sorang-sorang. Ish ish ish, teruk teruk
Aha!! Sebelum saya lupa, saya juga pernah alami kejadian misteri di Intec.
Satu hari tu saya sedang berlatih menyampaikan pidato saya di bilik TV.Saya akan menyertai pertandingan pidato ini keesokan harinya. Berlatih sorang-sorang dan malam-malam pulak tu. Tengah syok berlatih, tetiba je pintu stor yang ada kat bilik TV tu terbuka dengan sendiri. Argh,apa lagi la ni??. Saya buat bodo je. Tak toleh pun kat pintu tu. Tetiba je, pintu stor itu dihempas dengan kuatnya. Tunggu apa lagi? cabut la...huhu
Itulah post saya setelah lama tak mencoret di ruang blok ini. Saya tidak lah terlalu obses dengan kewujudan hantu seperti Wartwan Mastika. Tetapi saya percaya Allah juga mewujudkan makhluk-makhluk seperti ini di muka bumi ini. Wallahualam
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Posted by liyana at 7:23 PM 7 comments
Labels: Liyana to the colourful life
Monday, December 22, 2008
i'm far away from my home..
sadly..saya x leh on9 selalu from now on..
so,sorry klau sy ada wat salah pape
see u all in intec soon
Posted by liyana at 3:27 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
pernah x anda terasa sedih ttp tidak tahu kenapa..???
haih..... i dont like this feeling
terasa seperti hendak menghantuk kepala saya ke dinding...
terus ada amnesia...
baru selesai semua masalah...
sometime i feel so scared as if i had committed a big crime..
i'm not a notorious woman..
p/s: all these nightmares make me wanna puke
Posted by liyana at 12:02 AM 7 comments
Labels: Liyana to the kebosanan
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Assignment Biology
selepas dipikir-pikir sedalam-dalamnya..
saya memilih tajuk Autopsy utk research biology aku..
idea ni tetiba je muncul masa tngah basuh pinggan petang td..
bnyak kerja menanti..
better start now..
Posted by liyana at 8:55 PM 10 comments
Labels: Liyana to the ke-intec-an
Monday, December 15, 2008
he ya..
tahun 2009 bakal menjelang..
saya dah siap kan azam for d next sem in intec...
wokeh dokeh..let me list a few
(1) study,study,dan study lg.....tp x nak jd skema sngt...huhu
(2) joging n main basketball tiap2 petang....( zaharah ko nk join aku x? hehe)
(3) berhenti pergi Rafi Bistro....( Rafi Bistro mahal gila...pokai aku )
(4) banyakkan makan sayur-sayuran n buah-buahan ( yang ni mst agak susah )
(5) rangka aktiviti untuk blok akasia 7 ( haha..skema lg )
(6) menyibukkan diri 4 Jawatankuasa perwakilan kolej cemara akasia JPKCA... ( memang muka
menyibuk pun)
(7) basuh kain 3 kali sehari..eh silap 3 hari sekali...fyi, aku basuh baju2 seminggu sekali jek..hehe
(8) Usrah....tha's 4 sure
(9) menyibuk lagi kat Toast Master
(10) tidur awal,paling lambat pukul 11....wawawa.. ni lg la skema
(11) balik rumah seminggu sekali....yes
(12) berhenti kutuk orang..haha..so dak2 intec yg pernah kutuk ngan aku leh tarik nafas lega la
lepas ni
(13) gosip Kong ngan Ca Wei....haha
(14) x nak bising kat library dah....dah taubat
(15) x nak berebut naik teksi or ambek teksi orang lain... ( syida n zaharah tau kot nape )
(16) berhenti argue dngan lecturer
(17) kurangkan pergi KFC,McD,Bakers Cottage or Pak Li Cafe
(18) x nak bising dalam kelas...( haha..korang leh caya x? )
(19) berhenti memekak dngn menyanyi kuat2 dlam bilik aku
(20) banyak beribadah kepada Allah
So..korang doa2 la kan aku supaya aku leh buat semua ni. Aku kan insan hina yang sering melakukan kesalahan...cewah. We'll see smp bila azam2 aku ni dpt bertahan..adios
Posted by liyana at 12:21 PM 4 comments
Labels: Liyana to the ke-intec-an
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Al-kisahnya bermula lah cerita tuan hamba yang telah melawat blog rakan-rakan tuan hamba. Wah..wah..wah...ramai yang nak promote dialet negeri masing-masing. Xpe2...biar tuan hamba yang jadi pioneer untuk memartabatkan dialet negeri masing2...cewah..
Tanpa nak mengarut lebih2 lg, biarlah tuan hamba senaraikan lagi slang2 dari negeri hamba yang terletak nun jauh di utara sana. Walaupun kini sedang merantau di tempat orang di Shah Alam, asal usul hamba tidak lah sesekali hamba lupakan. Bak serangkap pantun ini
Dagang hamba datang bertempat
(erk...aku dah lupa baris seterusnya...sapa tau tolong sambung )
1. Gerek : basikal
2. Riau : menangis
3. tawaq habiaq : tawar gila
4.gatai merela : gedik
5.maneh meleceh : manis gila
6. Segak : perempuan yang cantik
7. Besho : selalu terkencing....hehe
8. Melangut : termenung
9. mintak kedarah : makan
10. lapaq ayaq : haus
Haruslah anda semua memberi perhatian bahawa untuk fasih bertutur dalam dialet ini, anda haruslah menekankan setiap bunyi r. Misal kata roti tidak disebut roti, tetapi ghoti. Seperti mana kita belajar tajwid, huruf R ditekankan seperti qalqalah sukro ( betul ke eja ni? ).
Ok2...lepas ni akak liyana akan kembali dengan lebih banyak perkataan. Harap bersabar ye adik-adik
Posted by liyana at 9:15 PM 2 comments
Labels: Liyana to the colourful life
Cause I know that you feel me somehow.
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be,
And I don't want to go home right now.
And all I can taste is this moment,
And all I can breathe is your life,
And sooner or later it's over,
I just don't want to miss you tonight.
And I don't want the world to see me,
Cause I don't think that they'd understand.
When everything's made to be broken,
I just want you to know who I am.
And you cant fight the tears that ain't coming,
Or the moment of the truth in your lies.
When everything feels like the movies,
Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive.
And I don't want the world to see me,
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand.
When everything's made to be broken,
I just want you to know who I am.
And I don't want the world to see me,
Cause I don't think that they'd understand.
When everything's made to be broken,
I just want you to know who I am.
And I don't want the world to see me,
Cause I dont think that they'd understand.
When everything's made to be broken,
I just want you to know who I am.
I just want you to know who I am.
I just want you to know who I am.
I just want you to know who I am.
Posted by liyana at 3:56 PM 0 comments
saya kebosanan
Here are the rules ;
1. List these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
5. Link the person who tagged you.
6. Leave a comment for each blogger.
* * * * * FIRST * * * * *
* * * * * SECOND * * * * *
dah buat
* * * * * THIRD * * * * *
ni pun bukan dah wat ke?...xpe2...wat jela
1. saya suka curi makanan adik saya. Biar sy bg contoh...kalau adik saya beli ais-krim...sy yg bnyak makan aiskrim dia...bila dia dah nangis, baru sy bg balik
2.mata saya berwarna cokelat cerah
3. saya bekas ahli sukan sekolah...mesti ramai yg x caya
4. senang diserang selesema..
5. suka tengok sponge bob square pants
* * * * * FOURTH * * * * *
x nak tag la...diorang bukannya nk wat pun..huhu
* * * * * FIFTH * * * * *
settle...done...ages ago
* * * * * SIXTH * * * * *
Posted by liyana at 2:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: Liyana to the tag
Friday, December 12, 2008
wa...aku baru balik dari cuti-cuti Malaysia...letih...ok2...skrang wat tag plak
Tagged by Amirul
01. what is the most important thing in your life ?
~my family
02. what is the last thing you bought with your own money
~ DVD Harry Potter
03. where do you wish to get married ?
~ saya x nak kawen..hehe
04. how old do you think you will get permanently owned by your lover ?
~ bloody hell...i don't know
05. are you in love ?
~ with Harry Potter
06. where was the last restaurant you had dinner at ?
~ Alamanda Putrajaya
07. name the latest book you bought ?
~ pergi library jek..save duit
08. what is your full name ?
~ Nur Liyana Binti Rosli.
09. do you prefer mother or father?
~ both
10. name a person that you really wish to meet in your real life for the first time?
~ Daniel Radcliffe
11. christina or britney?
~ Britney
12. do you do your own laundry?
~ masuk dalam mesin basuh,then tekan2 button,tunggu kejap,then siap...jemur...kan senang
13. the most exciting place you want to go?
~ India
14. hugs or kisses ?
~ eeuuuuuuu
15. point out five things about the person who tagged you
~ mr. pres...hoho
~ classmate chemistry
~ lelaki... of course la
~ orang kelantan
~ heh, cukup rr tue..
16. eight things i’m passionate about
~ shopping....
~ makan
~ sembang
~ music
~ reading...huh
~ melancong
~ kelas Puan Rita,,,hoho
17. eight books i have read recently
~ Kawin-kawin.....novel satira yg menang hadiah utusan....best n lawak...
~ queen of broken heart...boring
~ Angels
~ pendragon
~ enrique : mengundang jauh
~ erk...xde dah kot
~ xda
~ saya kata xda...xda la
18. eight songs i’ve been listening over and over again
~ the kill : 30 seconds to mars
~ what about now - daughtry
~ diary of jane - breaking benjamin
~ irreplacable : beyonce
~ saya susah nak pikir...dah lupa
~ check la dlam playlist mp3 aku..
~ sudah2 la
~ lalala
19. eight things i learned this year
~ driving
~ kerja di kedai buku yg x best..haha
~ idup sorang2 kat s.alam
~ how to manage my own money...huh
~ slang KL....hoh
~ jd ketua blok akasia 7..
~ meeting Jawatankuasa Perwakilan Kolej tiap2 minggu
~ tidur pukul 3 pagi... x pernah2 nye wat pun
20. persons you tag
~ Along!! (entah dia nk wat ke x )
~ nuwa
~ annemishi
dah2 cukup
Posted by liyana at 10:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: Liyana to the tag
Monday, December 8, 2008
makan makan dan makan lagi
Hari ini adalah hari raya Aidiladha. Jadi, banyak daging korban yang tersumbat di dalam peti sejuk rumah saya. Disebabkan kami sekeluarga bakal berangkat untuk cuti-cuti Malaysia pada keeskokan hari, jadi daging-daging tersebut perlulah segera dimasak. Biar saya senaraikan jenis masakan berasaskan daging yang dimasak oleh nenek saya yang tercinta :
(1 ) rendang
(2) daging panggang
(3) masak kicap
(4) serunding
Di samping itu, saya juga turut menikmati makanan-makanan merapu yang menghuni peti sejuk saya
(5) Keju
(6) Cokelat cardbury
(7) Nugget
(8) roti
Bayangkan kesemua kepelbagaian makanan ini menjadi santapan anda dalam tempoh sehari. Argh, saya tidak dapat menggambarkan tahap kesihatan saya pada masa ini. Perut saya sedang menunggu bom jangka untuk meletup. wawawa. Itulah bunyi perut saya ( betul ke? )
Posted by liyana at 10:44 PM 8 comments
Labels: Liyana to the colourful life
Friday, December 5, 2008
Oh tidak. Saya di-tag lagi
tag from adik Iman
Rules and Regulations:
1. Each player writes a little blog of 15 weird or little known facts about yourself.
2. People who gets tagged needs to state the rule clearly before hand.
3. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to tag and write their names down.
4. No Tags back!!!!
( buat dalam versi BM la...lg best )
1. Saya sangat suka menyanyi. Sehari kalau x menyanyi x sah. Klau x prcaya, tnyalah housemate saya..huhu. Pernah juga saya berjalan kat tengah2 orng ramai sambil menyanyi. .penyakit yg x dpt dikawal
2. Saya ada lebih ramai kawan lelaki drpd kawan perempuan..sbb tu la ramai kata saya playgirl intec...huhu
3. Saya suka gelak kuat2... nenek saya selalu je marah saya. Dia kata apa la anak dara gelak kuat2 macam pontianak.haha... susah nak buang la perangai ni
4. saya agak outspoken. Saya boleh kritik something kalau benda tu saya x suka. Sapa pernah kritik ngan saya tau la kan..
5. saya tidak pandai memasak...wawawa..
6. saya suka mengigau....n kekadang sleep walking...tp xe la kronik sngt.
7. Saya sngt suka memandu. Tapi agak lemah bila nak parking kereta. Pernah sekali saya nak g McD, pas tu nak parking kereta la kan..then...kereta saya terlanggar kereta sebelah...wa...cuak..tunggu apa lagi? cabut la..huhu
8. Saya suka menari dengan adik perempuan saya yg berumur 7 tahun...
9. Sngt meminati doktor sheikh muszaphar ( dulu la ) sehingga pernah berangan berkahwin dengan beliau
10. saya sngt suka shopping!! sbb tu la duit biasiswa saya dah nak dekat habis
11. Saya sngt suka makan coklat. saya boleh habiskan satu keping cokelat cardbury yg besar tu dalam tempoh sejam sahaja...hehe
12. Saya ni jenis yang bising. Atau dalam bahasa lain, jenis hu ha hu ha. Saya pernah buat study group bersama-sama dengan Anuar, Rafi dan Akmal di perpustakaan. Disebabkan, adanya Anuar yang mana mulut beliau yang agak bising, ditamabah pula dengan saya yg sedia bising, menyebabkan kami dimarah oleh librarian di situ...wawawa
13. Saya tidak suka tidur. Kalau saya tidur, saya amat susah nak bangun
14. Saya pernah membuatkan pinggan kesayangan nenek saya terbakar. Jadi, saya sorokkan pinggan itu di bawah sinki. Bila nenek saya jumpa je pinggan tu, kantoi
15. Saya tak suka makan nasi. sy lagi suka makan burger or roti or apa2 yg sewaktu dengannya
Pelik kan, aku guna ayat skema la plak...
so..sekarang ni, aku nak tag :
(1) Four aka cik fatin
(2) Amirul Mukmin ( haha...kena balik kat ko )
(3) Asri
(4) Cik Aqila
Cukup la...x nak la bnyak2
Posted by liyana at 12:07 AM 10 comments
Labels: Liyana to the tag
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Malam-malam buta
Apa yang aku nak mengarut kali ni eh? Cuti dah masuk minggu ketiga ni, tapi satu buku pun aku tak sentuh lagi ni. Tak boleh macam ni. Okey Liyana, wake up!! Banyak lagi kerja menanti. Asyik study je. Tak boring ke? Takpe2. Fikir positif. Saya suka study!! (tapi sebenarnya mak aih ).
Ha!! Baru aku teringat pasal semalam. Makin lama penyakit insomnia aku makin teruk. Al-kisahnya, semalam kul 12 dah masuk tidur, tapi x leh terlelap jugak. So, aku pun layan la MP3 aku. Sambil layan lagu sambil menyanyi. Malam2 buta pun memekak lagi. Biar lah, bilik tu aku sorang je guna. Selalunya kalau aku dengar lagu, aku cepat je tidur. Tapi memandangkan penyakit insomnia aku ni dah teruk, dengaq lagu pun x leh tidoq gak.huhu
Dah tu bila cek xtau nak wat apa ( slang utara la plak ), aku pun belek2 la paper The Star yang ada dalam bilik aku tu. Semua section aku baca termasuklah section sport and business yang tak pernah-pernah aku sentuh selama ini. Habis je baca paper tetap x leh tidur gak. Jam pun dah kul 2 pagi.
Tetiba telefon bimbit ku berbunyi ( cewah...ayat skema la plak ). Sapa la pulak antaq message malam2 buta ni. Then aku check la, owh..Farid rupanya ( Farid tu abang angkat aku since form 1 lg )" x tdo lg ke?" tanya beliau. Pas tu aku pun balas la "insomnia". x lama kemudian dia pun balas la "ha3 sian2. Saya tdo dulu la.esok ada class.tata". Cis...x concern betul abang angkat aku sowang nih...biarkan je la.
Ok2...back to the story. Lepas tu aku pun cuba la nak sambung tidoq. Then, bila nak lelap jek. aku terdengar bunyi pelik dari luar. Adus...cuak la plak. Untuk x nak dengar bunyi2 pelik tu, aku pun sumbat la telinga aku ngan earphone. Kononnya x nak dengar bunyi tu la. Tapi, alahai makin kuat la plak.huhu. Disebabkan ke-cuak-an yang sudah mencapai tahap gaban, aku pun cepat2 berangkat ke bilik nenek aku. Masa tu dah pukul 3 pagi. Bila subuh jek aku balik ke bilik aku balik sebab aku tak tahan nenek aku berdengkur kuat sangat.huhu
Itulah arakiannya cerita tuan hamba yang x best pun. Sebenarnya kat Akasia pun aku pernah dengar bunyi2 menyeramkan cam ni gak. Tapi,nanti2 la aku cerita. Ok
Moral of the story : jangan tidur sorang2. Sapa yg dah kawen lain cerita la
Posted by liyana at 4:12 PM 6 comments
Labels: Liyana to the colourful life
An endeavor to nullify the perpetual AIDS stigma
AIDS is a virulent disease which hitherto had killed 2 million of lives in this entire world. Take Bostwana for example, 40% of its people carry the disease. You might be wondering. what's on earth all of sudden i become so concern about the AIDS patients. Well, this is because the world had just celebrated the AIDS day on 1st December. Besides, i am a future doctor, so this entry is a kind of a minute endeavor sincerely from the bottom of my heart to fulfill my responsibility to the society.
So, what i want to convey is that we should not treat the AIDS patients inconsiderately. They have the right to live a normal life as we all do. Ask yourself, do you ever aware about how much the pain that they must endure? Sadly the presence of AIDS patients is frowned upon in society and they are often deemed deranged. AIDS has never create pandemoniums and they had never went berserk. Nobody ever cares about their resentment and what disheartening is that, they cannot vent their frustration about the unfair treatments they received. Alas, no frivolity efforts have been carried out .
Who should be blamed for their misery? You,me or the society? i dare to say that the perpetrator is the society. When you will be concerned about their resentful feeling? Act now. Do your part. Do not treat them badly. Give moral support to them for the prosperity of our world.
Posted by liyana at 3:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: Liyana to the society
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
10 perkataan
Berikan 10 perkataan yang orang utara sering sebutkan :
1.Bapak aih ( kekadang mak aih )
2.kepala hotak hang ( kasar kan?...utk orang utara biasa la tu )
3. x tau
4.Tengok apa? ( lepas tu usha orang tu balik. Biar dia malu..haha )
5. awatnya?
6. awat hang kalut?
7.boring nya
8. tu no?
9.woi ( selalu sngt sebut )
10. awat lagu tu?
Posted by liyana at 9:59 PM 1 comments
Labels: Liyana to the kebosanan
Monday, November 24, 2008
tag? pe ke hal ni yob?
Okay... i got this from Amirul. This is my first experience doing this tag thingy. So, aku x faham sngat. Al maklumlah aku baru je start tulis blog ni kan...neway..just do it lah
* Take a recent photo of yourself OR take a picture of yourself RIGHT NOW.
* DON'T change your clothes. DON'T fix your hair, just take a picture.
this is a recent pic of me..
cun x?hehe
capture bout 2 weeks ago.
malas ar nk g amek tudung..
n xkan la aku nk upload gambar freehair aku kan..
bahaya beb...
about this pic..
ni bukan kat rumah aku
ni kat akasia la..
n..katil belakang tu bukan katil aku
roomate aku nya
so now..aku kena tag orng lain ar ni?
kan mirul???
aku x bnyak contact ar..
xyah tag la
kan sonang
Posted by liyana at 12:44 AM 3 comments
Labels: Liyana to the tag
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Sisters' day out...i like the move it move it
She : Sis, what day is today
Me : Sunday, what's up dude?
She : Ain't you promise me to take me out to watch movie
Me : am i? I'm not sure
She : Yes, come on la sis. You've promised me.
Me : You know what,i don't feel like going.
She : No, we must go. I want you to get ready now...
Well, that was the story. My sister and i went to watch movie today. Actually, i didn't felt like going. I just wanna lay back and enjoy my superb Sunday. But the thing is, i've promised her to take her out to watch Madagascar 2. So, as a good sister ( kononnya lah ) i'll just fulfill her wishes.I don't want to be screwed up by quarrellings over this petty things. Besides, i've promised my mom( before she went to New Zealand) to take care of my sister. Well, back to the story . Then,i grabbed the car key and drove all the way to Seberang Jaya. Which is quite far from our home, about 15 Km I guess. Luckily we arrived right on time. The movie will start in 30 minutes time. What hilarious is that, when i wanted to bought the ticket, the ticket girl asked me how old i am. I was dumbfounded, then i gave her this stern look. Then i say, umur saya 18 la kak. She might think i'm under age or whatsoever. After bought some pop corn n cokes, we made a beeline to the theater. The theater was filled with kids and their respective family. Well, that was how the thing suppose to be right?
So, about 15 minutes later ( why does the number 15 keep appearing?) the movie started. What i can say is that the movie is superb,exquisite, riveting and marvelous. I can't kept my eyes off to those characters. Alex, Martin, Gloria and what's the name of the Giraffe? Gosh, i forgot. Ok, whatever.This story is about a bunch of freaks animals try to escape Africa when their plane plummeted on it. The things then go pretty complicated and their plans turn haywire. After several events, they decided they want to stay in Africa and will continue their journey to New York some other day. And.. my favorite character is this old granny hail from New York. She proves to a group of human ( the humans' car was hijacked by some penguins before. cool isn't it? )that she can survive in the jungle because she is a member of Girl Guide ( hey, just like me ). And not to forget, this septuagenarian granny is very good in fighting. Oh, i adore her.
Then, after watched movie, we went to had lunch in McDonald and then went straight home. I didn't know what else to do because i was running out of money. So, before things went worse, better i make the move first. Well, that was the thing i did today. Just ordinary girl went out to have some fun. Destination next week..... going to library...yeah!! To grab some books so that i can read all of them during this boring n mind-wrecking holiday.
Posted by liyana at 3:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: Liyana to the colourful life
Thursday, November 20, 2008
If i were a boy
If i were a boy :
She says :
- i'd roll out of bed in the morning
- throw on what i wanted
- drink beers with the guys
- chase after girl
- i think i could understand how it feels to love a girl
- i swear i'd be a better man
- i'll listen to her cause i know how much it hurts
- i put myself first and make the rules as i go
I say :
- i wanna know how it would like to hurt their feeling
- i want to play guitar and make her heart melt
- i dress in black cause i love black so much
- i try to smoke because it looks cool
- i wanna enjoy myself for the whole night.
- yell at the b*t**
- wake up late
- never tidy up my room
- watch football match all day long
He says :
- why should i be a boy? I already a boy. I prefer to be called a man
- i'll hurt her feeling
- i won't stay at home because if i will, she will start nagging
- devote myself to work. Money is everything in this world.
- flirting with other girls
- ignore her whenever she starts to care about me.
- harassing her if she goes over the limit
- leave her for good if she starts to bore me
Posted by liyana at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: Liyana to the kebosanan
umno untuk melayu?
(1) Lupakan
Lupakan? . Tuan hamba fikir dengan lupakan cerita lama, tuan hamba dapat mengubah sejarah? Cis, persetan bangsa petualang keturunan. Nyah tuan hamba dari bumi anbia ini.
(2) Relakan
Biar mati anak jangan mati adat. Takkan melayu hilang di dunia. Sekali kaki ku melangkah nescaya roh perwira kukuh bersemadi di sukmaku
(3) Tinggalkan
Argh. Itu hanya bisikan orang-orang yang takut. Takut dengan kebenaran. Selagi darah masih mengalir di badan, selagi akal menutur pendapat, selagi roh ingkar meninggalkan jasadnya, usah kau bermimpi wahai petualang bangsa.
(4) Lepaskan
Pantang keturunan aku melepaskan hak melayu di bumi ini. Langkah mayat aku dulu. Kau persetan. Kau petualang.Huh. Mereka akan bertepuk tangan, berpesta sakan melihat jatuhnya bangsa kita. itu yang Tuan hamba dambakan?
Posted by liyana at 1:06 PM 4 comments
Labels: Liyana to the politic
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
(1) Bagaimana kehidupan anda di Intec
A. huh....boleh lah. biasa2 je
B. aku suka gila tinggal kat Intec
C. Intec....apa itu Intec??
D. Argh..bosan. Aku lebih rela tinggal kat Tanjung Rambutan
E. Lain-lain. Sila nyatakan..................
(2) Perasaan anda apabila tamatnya peperiksaan akhir semester ( final sem exam )
A. Yay yay....saya dah merdeka
B. Cara apa yang paling senang nak bunuh diri?
C. lupakan yang lama. sekarang fokus untuk semester seterusnya pulak
D. Saya nak basuh otak saya dengan Clorox. Nak join?
E. Erk...takde pilihan lain dah ke?
(3) Apa yang anda fikir mengenai rakan sekelas anda?
A. My classmate is the best classmates i ever had
B. Bosan...x habis2 study. sikit2 study. xde life betul
C. Biasa-biasa je. xde diorang pun aku boleh hidup
D. ntah. Aku prefer classmate kat sekolah aku dulu
E. Lain2. Sila nyatakan......
4) Pensyarah kegemaran anda ( kegemaran?? or should i say kesayangan? wtv )
A. You know what am i saying? God ( Puan Rita )
B. Liyana, do you have a boyfriend? you seem like you have one ( Miss Azura )
C. korang M10 ni kan bising cam budak2 tadika ( Miss Fatimah )
D. You think it yourself lah ( Sir Muhammad )
(5) Tempat di perpustakaan yang anda paling gemari?
A. Sofa tempat baca paper..huhu.. boleh buat bising arguing pasal politik
B. tingkat yang paling atas. Boleh wat bising gak smp kena tegur ngan librarian. Taubat x nak buat bising dah
C. Meja yang jauh daripada orang ramai. Boleh tidur dengan nyenyak kat situ. tau2 je dah petang.
D. Toilet ( eh..yang ni pun ada gak?)
(6) Program yang paling vogue kat Intec ?
A. A-level medicine
B. A-level medicine lagi
C. lagi2 A-level medicine
D. X kira. A-level medicine gak
E. A-level medicine di hatiku ( poyo nye )
(7) Yelah..yelah...aku modify soalan td. Program yang paling vogue kat Intec?
A. A-level medicine
B. A Level United Kingdom
C.A Level German ( aku lelaki gersang )
D. Ausmat
(8) Apa yang akan anda lakukan untuk membezakan anda daripada pelajar2 lain?
A. Buat live band. aku jd vocalist
B. Masuk suma pertandingan yang ada. Biar lah orang kata nak tunjuk bagus. aku kesah pe
C.flirting ngan budak yang paling pemes kat Intec. So automatically,aku akan jd pemes gak
D. belajar rajin2 biar dapat result gempak smpai semua orang ternganga ( boleh ke? )
E. buat bodoh je. Kuang Kuang Kuang
(9) Baki duit biasiswa anda?
A. lebih RM 2000 ( pak cik kaya )
B. RM 1000 ++ ( owh no...duit aku tinggal sikit )
C. kurang RM 1000 ( haha...aku boros )
E. kurang RM 500 ( pak cik kayap )
(10 ) Ada sesiapa yang anda minat di Intec?
A. ntah...xda kot
B. saya nak belajar. xda masa nak bercinta
C. aku setia ngan bf/gf aku
D. buang masa jek
Terma dan syarat
1. Pelajar INTEC.
2. Sedang cuti sem skrag ( sapa yang cuti tp still belajar gak...boleh blah )
3. mengalami sindrom kebosanan tahap gaban
4. ingin memaksimumkan bil eletrik di rumah anda dengan on9 for 24/7
Posted by liyana at 7:12 PM 3 comments
Labels: Liyana to the ke-intec-an
a better me
in a corner of the world
Someone is hungry
someone is homeless
someone is hurting
that someone could be you
people live here and here
without light
out of sight
is that right?
i am an average Jane
Just trying to make ends meet
can i make a difference?
One day
in a corner of the world
A light went on
An idea was born
I am the difference
Between Justice and injustice
Between right and wrong
The voice lives on
when someone takes a stand
and say
I am the end of poverty
I am a different path
It's never too late
I am belief in your humanity
I am a wave of compassion
I am the end of ignorance
I am human
love can change the world
I am jobs not jails
I am a clear thinker
I am the hands that heal all the mankind
I am the light and the gift of vision
I am the heart that keep a child alive
I am a dream that becomes reality
I am greening our industry
Before it's too late
What about now?
Posted by liyana at 4:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: Liyana to the poem
- bosan dengan hidup ni. setiap hari buat benda yang sama. Kenapa kita tak cuba sesuatu yang baru? sesuatu yang luar daripada biasa.
- Sunyi? sunyi lah jugak. Tapi takpe. aku tak kesah pun. i have everything i want. i have my lil bro n lil sis to cheer up my dull day. I have laptop so that i can online for 24/7. But i know. Something is missing. i don't know what. curious? all i can say is i hide my sad face behind my painted smile. Pathetic isn't it?
- haha...apa itu gersang? ALG ke? aku lelaki gersang. Hey, what up. aku perempuan la bukan lelaki. Definisi gersang? Let me check Kamus Dewan edisi keempat first ( semangat gila ). Maksud gersang adalah kekosongan. Huh. kosong? Yes. My life is empty. Mungkin ramai yang lihat aku as a bubbly young girl. Always happy. Always smile. Always make Jokes. Am i being a hypocrite?
- erk...kosong..yes. not really kosong lah. sometimes. Maybe hormonal imbalance whatsoever. I am trying to cheer up my life. We live just once, fall in love just once, get married just once and what about happy....just once? For god sake, somebody please help me out.
Posted by liyana at 4:14 PM 3 comments
Hey guys. You know what? i fell in love with this shopaholic novels. Can't keep my eyes of them. Actually i just read one of them. it's title is Shopaholic and Baby. This kind of masterpiece is totally awesome. Shopaholic...erm...maybe this word doesn't ever exists in the dictionary. but, i'm kinda love it. i wanna grab all the series of this novel. But how? maybe i'll drive alone all the way to Seberang Jaya. This place is quite far from my hometown. But, never mind lah... i'll do anything so that i won't get bored during this long holiday. A'ah..one more thing. i just found out that there will be a film a bout this shopaholic novel. Can't wait no more. But it'll be on cinema February next year. Still a long way to go. Sigh. Its ok. I can wait
Posted by liyana at 3:50 PM 0 comments
Puisi Rangga
Dear friend, men come and go in your life. It is our responsibility for us as a girl not to let they tread upon our heart just like a doormat. Hey ya, you are a sweet girl, i'm sure you can find someone far more better instead of that stupid Mr A.
sepi, sepi dan sendiri
aku benci
Aku ngin bingar
aku mau di pasar
bosan aku dengan penat
dan enyah saja kau pekat
seperti berjelaga
jika ku sendiri
Pecahkan saja gelasnya
biar ramai
biar mengaduh sampai gaduh
Ah...ada malaikat menyulam
jaring laba-laba belang
di tembok keraton putih
kenapa tak goyangkan saja loncengnya
biar terdera
Atau aku harus lari ke hutan
belok ke pantai

Posted by liyana at 12:39 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
cuti yang boring
Apa nak buat cuti ni?
(1) pelajar A
erm....makan,tidur n enjoy...aku nak habiskan baca suma mangga aku
(2) Pelajar B
memandangkan aku budak baik...aku nak tolong mak aku buat kerja rumah....eh..jap2...aku tengah mimpi ke ni. biar betul aku nak tolong mak aku?
(3) Pelajar C
aku x decide pape lg ar....tolong aku weh...aku kena wat something cuti nih...kalau x berat aku naik. Bnyak baju aku x leh pakai nnt
(4) Pelajar D
aku nak kerja,,,tp duit biasiswa JPA aku bnyak lg...so, aku habiskan je lah..haha...next sem dapat lg..
(5) Pelajar E
aku nak kuar dating ngan bf aku...sian dia...asyik belajar je...
(6) Liyana
aku??? erm....ntah..aku nak...aku nak....aku nak.....wa...tolong..aku...aku x tau nk wat pe ni
Posted by liyana at 11:18 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
will you or wont you?
enough say..
my life has turned upside down..
after the horrible final exam..
after the stupid movie i watched..
after all my family member scatter everywhere all around the world..
i feel like..it is the end of my life..
my life is empty, meaningless, dull, boring, miserable..
owh man..
i need something to cheer me up..
something that will make me walk away from all my problems...
what's wrong with me??
hormonal imbalance..
God.. i don't know...
i feel like going to a place..
where i can forget all this nuisance nightmares...
help me out
Posted by liyana at 1:57 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Yes. and it happen again now. i just dont have the guts to start everything. i want him to make the first move. he need to be gallant sometimes. am i right?
look into my eyes. am i lying??
Part 2
2. Who do you love the most?
5. The biggest & most hurtful lie you heard?
7. Went to the movies with?
9. You yelled at?
16.Are you old fashioned?
18.What is the hardest thing for you to give up on?
Posted by liyana at 12:45 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Oh God!!
i don't know what am i going to write
i miss somebody so much,
all i want right now is her,
i want her to be beside me,
we laugh together,
had a little joke,
i want to look her in the eyes,
i miss her smile,
i miss her voice,
i miss the way she talks to me,
i miss our memory,
i miss her but i try not to cry,
Sigh, i know it's a long way to go before she come back again...
all i can say is best of luck..
hope u'll become a great person as you always dream
i love you so much
- my dear mom
Posted by liyana at 3:23 PM 1 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
lama gila x tulis
lama gila x tulis blog..
rindu tahap gaban..
i'm counting the hours to get my new laptop..
miss Lim is going to send me a brand new acer laptop..
i can't wait no more..
that means, i can post or update my blog whenever i want..
Posted by liyana at 1:51 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 27, 2008
I'm leaving on a jet plane
Hey guys!! i'm leaving tomorrow. I wonder why I still have the feeling of refusal to continue my study. Maybe because i am a spoilt brat.LOl. I never had any experience to live in a home called HOSTEL. Honestly, I am mentally unprepared ( is Hospital Tanjung Rambutan will be much better ? i am just wondering). Thus i am resurrecting my studying skills. During the SPM examination,my studying skill used to be skyrocketed and and had exponential increase of knowledge. Now, alas it has become a knowledge destitution. Everything that I learned, everything that i felt good with....went into drain. My temporary fatal "amnesia" is jeopardising my future dude. SIGH.
I can't even remember how to factorise and what more devastating is that, i'm going to undergo a monotonous life as a student. Again...SIGH!!! One more thing, I have to forage about all my endearing books and school paraphernalia. Could anyone tell me how to brace this circumstance?
Posted by liyana at 5:43 PM 0 comments
On the threshold of my tertiary education
My SPM result is like a dream come true. A day before i collected my result, i had a nightmare that something ominous would happen to me tomorrow. Well, it was just a dream. Things turned 360 degree when i collected my result. Thanks God. I had scored 10 A1 and 1B3. Well....B3 was the same culprit. REKA CIPTA!!!! It was staggering result. I was dazed when i got the result and remain oblivious for seconds. But, when i already regained my consciousness, I was exulted

Posted by liyana at 3:48 PM 2 comments
reminisce about my idle post SPM holiday.
I just stayed at home throughout my 8 months doing-nothing holiday. I'm a lazy bone, always woke up at 11 am and sleep at 2 am. It soon come to my concern that, I had no qualm of waking up late. I'm the sleeping beauty.LOL
Besides, i learn to cook. Yeah, i know. It will not make sense. Believe it or not, I LEARN TO COOK!!! I learned to be a great chef from the scratch. ( though it was only hangat-hangat taik ayam..hahaha...shhh....don't spill the beans)
I concede that i only learned a handful recipes. My instinct was the one who poured the cold water. My spirit was diminishing. I learned the lore of malay recipes from my septuagenenarian grandmother. I learned to cook curry, secret recipe of sambal belacan,gulai lemak and tons more which alongside simple dishes. I realised thai i had made a great stride in all these ample house-keeping activities.
But the thrill and excitement last a while.Sigh. I'm back to my old lazy bone sleeping beauty.LOL.My granny was so pissed off. But what else she could do other than nagging for 24 hours. Excuse me..24 HOURS???? Yes, 24 hours. Hey, just like the operation hour of 7-eleven.LOL.
Besides settled things up with my granny, i also had to entertain my bubbly little sis. I had to appease Nabilah all the times because she always had on her tantrum. My skill as a housewife still patchy. Again....A pathetic experience.
Posted by liyana at 8:51 AM 1 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
Anugerah pelajar Cemerlang SPM 2007
Jump out high and feel the sky within your reach.
Posted by liyana at 9:32 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
masuk INTEC weh...
sure banyak godaan kat sana...
dah ar jauh dari rumah aku..
naseb baik bapak aku tinggal kat KL...
malas rasanya nak masuk ni...
Posted by liyana at 5:01 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Driving Class..
After resigning from my nonchalant work in the book store, I make an endeavour to take a driving class. I was "admitted" to the International Driving Institute, Seberang Jaya. Do you what's on earth did i use the word "admitted"? For God's sake, the driving class is horrible,unnerving,daunting and inexplicable nightmare.
My driving teacher was Mr.Raymond. He was infamous and notorious teacher with all those fiery words burst out from his mouth and he was dubbed as the most hot-tempered in IDI. Sigh.... what is worse than get such driving teacher? How unlucky i was. I had a hitch in balancing the "minyak" and clutch.( i don't know the word "minyak" in English,maybe accelerator). Every time i wanted to move the car, the engine keep whining on and off. But alas, my car did not budge at all.AGAIN. What a pathetic lesson. I always felt like to forfeit from my driving lesson.My instinct keep pushing me to continue, to be persevered. Huhuhu. A weary driving class. I was downtrodden and emotionally abused. A precarious way of drive. BUT, miraculously, the nonchalant endeavour was worthwhile. Thanks God. I already got my driving license. I was utterly on the cloud nine.
Yup. One more thing. I met Nana in IDI. It had been ages since the last time we met. we'd finally resurrected our childhood camaraderie. below-me and nana
Posted by liyana at 3:25 PM 0 comments