Wednesday, December 3, 2008

An endeavor to nullify the perpetual AIDS stigma

AIDS is a virulent disease which hitherto had killed 2 million of lives in this entire world. Take Bostwana for example, 40% of its people carry the disease. You might be wondering. what's on earth all of sudden i become so concern about the AIDS patients. Well, this is because the world had just celebrated the AIDS day on 1st December. Besides, i am a future doctor, so this entry is a kind of a minute endeavor sincerely from the bottom of my heart to fulfill my responsibility to the society.

So, what i want to convey is that we should not treat the AIDS patients inconsiderately. They have the right to live a normal life as we all do. Ask yourself, do you ever aware about how much the pain that they must endure? Sadly the presence of AIDS patients is frowned upon in society and they are often deemed deranged. AIDS has never create pandemoniums and they had never went berserk. Nobody ever cares about their resentment and what disheartening is that, they cannot vent their frustration about the unfair treatments they received. Alas, no frivolity efforts have been carried out .

Who should be blamed for their misery? You,me or the society? i dare to say that the perpetrator is the society. When you will be concerned about their resentful feeling? Act now. Do your part. Do not treat them badly. Give moral support to them for the prosperity of our world.